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The Wild Horse Masterclass
Meet Your Instructor - Chloe Phillips-Harris
Introduction (0:36)
My Background (1:15)
Basic Course Outline (0:53)
Introducing The Herd (10:22)
Introduction To Trust (1:48)
Predictability 101 (4:31)
Lesson 1 - Signals
Lesson Checklist
1.1 Equipment - The Halter Knot (3:12)
1.2 Equipment - The Stick (1:11)
1.3 Introduction To Horse Behaviour & Body Language (2:54)
1.4 Signals (11:53)
1.5 Square Pen Vs Round Pen (1:46)
1.6 Signals In Depth (19:28)
1.7 Freeze Signals With Monet (2:03)
1.8 Body Language With Monet (8:58)
1.9 Signals In The Saddle With The Black (17:28)
Lesson 2 - The Dance
10 Tips Before You Get Started
2.1 Establishing The 3 Basic Commands (Monet) (11:55)
2.2 Establishing The 3 Basic Commands (Da Vinci) (13:05)
Lesson 3 - The Touch
3.1 Introduction (Pressure & Release) (1:22)
3.2 Re-establishing Lesson 2 (3:35)
3.3 How to Introduce The Stick
3.4 Introducing The Stick To Monet (5:36)
3.4 Introducing The Stick to Da Vinci (12:49)
3.5 The First Touch Of The Stick With Monet (13:34)
3.6 The First Touch Of The Stick With Da Vinci (14:11)
3.7 First Touch Summary (2:33)
3.8 The First Touch Of The Hand With Monet (12:26)
3.9 The First Touch Of The Hand With Da Vinci (9:47)
Lesson 4 - Haltercation
4.1 Haltering Checklist
4.2 Rope Handling & General Safety (1:07)
4.2 Halter On Monet For The First Time (27:07)
4.3 Halter on Da Vinci For The First Time (18:29)
Lesson 5 - Communication
5.1 Pressure On The Rope (Da Vinci) (7:51)
5.2 The First Steps Following The Rope (Da Vinci) (2:58)
5.3 Moving The Hind End Away (Da Vinci) (3:10)
5.4 The Back Up (Da Vinci) (0:58)
5.5 Basic Leading Skills - Turning, Leading Forward & Backing up Large Pen (Da Vinci) (6:56)
5.6 The First Touch Of The Face With Da Vinci (Special moment) (1:50)
5.7 Pressure On The Rope (Monet) (2:43)
5.8 Moving The Hind End Away (Monet) (1:04)
5.9 The Back Up (Monet) (1:00)
5.10 The First Steps Following The Rope (Monet) (1:50)
Lesson 6 - Leaving the Pen
6.1 Recapping Lesson 5 (Da Vinci) (9:22)
6.2 Recapping Lesson 5 (Monet) (2:13)
6.3 A Checklist Before You Leave The Pen
6.4 Da Vinci Leaving The Pen For The First Time (6:05)
6.5 Monet Leaving The Pen For The First Time (5:03)
6.6 Communicating Boundaries With Monet (9:06)
6.7 Dealing with a Distracted Monet Outside (3:59)
Lesson 7 - Care
7.1 Worming (13:03)
7.2 Lifting The Feet (23:54)
7.3 Farrier Visit & Hoof Health (11:40)
7.4 Tying Up (17:21)
7.5 Vet Visits Da Vinci (7:54)
7.6 Safety Signals Working Around Horses (9:00)
Lesson 8 - Float Loading
8.1 Introduction & Important Safety Rules (7:57)
8.2 The Float Loading Process (36:41)
8.3 Locking Down (5:18)
8.4 Conclusion (3:47)
Lesson 9 - 5 Key Skills To Perfect
9.1 Introduction (1:02)
9.2 Moving The Shoulders (6:36)
9.3 Moving The Hind End Away (5:13)
9.4 Flexion (6:50)
9.5 The Back Up (2:53)
9.6 Following The Feel (10:04)
9.7 How To Halter The Right Way (3:40)
Lesson 10 - Safety
10.1 Gates (5:17)
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9.7 How To Halter The Right Way
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